
The complete forages lineup offers both high feed quality and excellent yields. When you include PRIDE Seeds forages as part of your Total Ration Solutions (TRS) System, you are delivering high nutrition value to your herd and a profitable crop for your operation.

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  • A dual purpose alfalfa suited for both haylage and hay production.
  • It is an extremely leafy alfalfa, with an excellent disease package.
  • It is very winter hardy and will provide high yields of top quality forage.
  • Excellent disease package featuring resistance to Aphanomyces Race 2 root rot.
  • A variety comprised of elite parent plants selected for high forage yield, high milk per acre and excellent winter hardiness.
  • Features multiple resistance characteristics to several important alfalfa pests


  • A blend of three top performing varieties.
  • High quality proprietary alfalfas used to insure top performance.
  • Excellent disease package with a minimum of R rating for major alfalfa diseases.
  • A dependable economical blend.
  • Dependable winterhardiness and persistence.
  • A blend of top quality alfalfas makes lightning an ideal choice for either a hay or haylage program

450HVX.RR HarvXtra™

  • Superior adaptation for hay and haylage use.
  • Designed to ease the traditional yield vs. quality tradeoff by offering significantly more flexibility in harvest management.
  • Maintain higher quality in the typical alfalfa cutting cycle and also significantly increases the yield of hay or haylage on your farm.
  • 450HVX.RR HarvXtra alfalfa averages 12-15% higher fiber digestibility (NDFd) and 12-15% higher Relative Forage Quality (RFQ) than conventional alfalfas harvested at the same stage of growth.
  • 450HVX.RR alfalfa includes Roundup Ready® technology and delivers unsurpassed weed control and excellent crop safety when utilizing Roundup herbicide.
  • Very winterhardy (WH= 1.9); 450HVX.RR delivers superior stand persistence, even under the toughest weather conditions.
  • Dark green, fine-stemmed, and highly palatable
  • Excellent disease resistance index (DRI) of 39/40; latest advancement in disease resistance, which includes High Resistance to Aphanomyces Root Rot Race 1, 2 and enhanced multi-race1; and includes multi-race resistance to Anthracnose2.
Product ratings and characteristics are assigned by PRIDE Seeds based on comparisons with other PRIDE Seeds product, not competitor products, through in-house field testing. Performance may vary from location to location and from year to year, as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible and should consider the impacts of these conditions on their fields.