It is best to chop when whole plant moisture is between 60 and 70%
Ensure you are harvesting each variety separately
Weigh each hybrid immediately after it’s been harvested
Ensure you take a relative sample
Scoop one handful from four random areas in the plot sample
Place samples in a large Ziploc freezer bag and be sure to remove as much air as possible
Scoop rather than ‘grab’ samples to avoid losing kernels or cob pieces. Four handfuls are approximately 1.5lbs and sampling more than this is unnecessary
Label all samples
Be sure to label all samples with proper variety name and trial name
A sharpie on a Ziploc bags works perfectly
Labelling keeps everything organized and neat both for you, and for the lab
Freeze the samples
Freeze and flatten samples as soon as possible
Work to remove all the air from samples and flatten them as well as possible
Tightly packed samples keep better and are easier to ship
Freeze for 48 hours before shipping to ensure samples stay frozen
Place flattened samples in an insulated container for shipping
Adding newspaper into empty space helps to keep this cold longer
Ice packs can also help, but are not necessary
Ship early in the week to avoid delays and spoilage